(AI타임스=박혜섭 기자) 

A scene from the movie called Minority Report. Artificial Intelligence analyzes people's faces to identify them.

Human faces replace their ID cards. Such phenomenon can be seen in real.

A man looks at the monitor near the gate, then it opens immediately.

This technology is developed by NETON, the AI facial recognition company located in Gwangju, South Korea.

Applied by AI and Deep Learning, NETON’s tech distinguishes a person’s face even in a big crowd.

It’s easy to add into existing surveillance camera, plus it’s reasonable price, a lot of companies prefer NETON’s AI engine.

Recently, it was adopted to building entrances, and PC Bang, the 24 hour gaming center.

NETON’s technology is expected to be more useful going forward.

▶ Myeong Hong-chul / CEO of NETON With our original deep learning technology, we are focusing on development of sensor program which will recognize face, cars and other objects. We will also investigate alzheimer diagnosis algorithms and develop further related programs.


Attention is being paid to NETON how their facial recognition technology will affect the AI market.

This is PARK Hye-sub, AI Times


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